
Dataset Information


Next Generation Sequencing Facilitates Quantitative Analysis of PIGS-KO, PIGS-HRD1-DKO, PIGS-HRD1-CD55-TKO, and PIGS-HRD1-CD55-TKO+HA-CD55 Transcriptomes

ABSTRACT: Purpose: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized systems-based analysis of cellular pathways. The goals of this study are to compare the genes expression difference at transcriptome level; Methods: Total RNA was extracted from whole cells with the mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit according to the manufacturer’s protocol. RNA quality and integrity were evaluated with an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. Samples with an RNA integrity number (RIN) ≥ 7 were considered to be of high quality and were processed further and subjected to subsequent analysis. Total RNA-seq libraries were generated using 4 μg of total RNA, which was analyzed using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA LTSample Prep Kit. These libraries were then sequenced using the Illumina sequencing platform (HiSeqTM 2500 or Illumina HiSeq X Ten), and 125-bp/150-bp paired-end reads were generated. Results: The raw reads containing adaptors and the low-quality reads from the raw data were removed using Trimmomatic to obtain clean reads. Transcriptome sequencing was conducted by OE Biotech Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China), and clean reads were provided. The clean reads were mapped to the hg38 reference genome using hisat2 (version 2.1.0). The output BAM files were converted to SAM files using SAMtools 1.9. The final TPM values were obtained using Stringtie 1.3.5. Conclusions: To understand the mechanistic basis of GPI biosynthesis upregulation by the CD55 precursor, we performed RNA- sequencing (RNA-seq) of samples of parental PIGS-HRD1-DKO, PIGS-HRD1-CD55-TKO, and PIGS-HRD1-CD55-TKO stably overexpressed HA-CD55 stably overexpressing cells. Total RNA was extracted and analyzed. The expression profile of GPI biosynthesis -related genes was not significantly affected by CD55.

ORGANISM(S): Homo sapiens

PROVIDER: GSE184822 | GEO | 2021/09/29


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