
Dataset Information


Noise-Induced Changes in Gene Expression in the Cochleae of Mice Differing in Their Susceptibility to Noise Damage

ABSTRACT: The molecular mechanisms underlying the great differences in susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) exhibited by both humans and laboratory animals are unknown. Using microarray technology, the present study demonstrates that the effects of noise overexposure on the expression of molecules likely to be important to the development of NIHL differ among inbred mice that have distinctive susceptibilities to NIHL including B6.CAST, 129X1/SvJ, and 129S1/SvImJ. The noise-exposure protocol produced, on average, a permanent loss of about 40 dB in sensitivity for auditory brainstem responses in susceptible B6.CAST mice, but no threshold elevations for the two resistant 129S1/SvImJ and 129X1/SvJ substrains. Measurements of noise-induced gene expression changes 6 h after the noise exposure revealed significant alterations in the expression levels of 48 genes in the resistant mice, while by these same criteria, there were seven differentially expressed genes in the susceptible B6.CAST mice. Differentially expressed genes in both groups of mice included subsets of transcription factors. However, only in the resistant mice was there a significant induction of proteins involved in cell-survival pathways such as HSP70, HSP40, p21, GADD45beta, Ier3, and Nf-kappaB. Moreover, increased expression of three of these factors after noise was confirmed at the protein level. Drastically enhanced HSP70, GADD45beta, and p21 immunostaining were detected 6 h after the noise exposure in subsets of cells of the lateral wall, spiral limbus, and organ of Corti as well as in cochlear nerve fibers. Upregulation of these proteins after noise exposure likely contributes to the prevalence of survival cellular pathways and thus to the resistance to NIHL that is characteristic of the 129X1/SvJ mice. Keywords: effects of noise exposure in distinct inbred mice

ORGANISM(S): Mus musculus

PROVIDER: GSE8342 | GEO | 2008/09/01



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