
Dataset Information


Combined PD-L1/TGFb blockade allows expansion and differentiation of stem cell-like CD8 T cells in immune excluded tumors

ABSTRACT: TGFb signaling is a major pathway associated with poor clinical outcome in patients with advanced metastatic cancers and non-response to immune checkpoint blockade, particularly in the immune-excluded tumor phenotype. While previous pre-clinical studies demonstrated that converting tumors from an excluded to an inflamed phenotype and curative anti-tumor immunity require attenuation of both PD-L1 and TGFb signaling, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unclear. Recent studies suggest that stem cell-like CD8 T cells (TSCL) can differentiate into non-exhausted CD8 T effector cells that drive durable anti-tumor immunity. Here, we show that TGFb and PD-L1 restrain TSCL expansion as well as replacement of progenitor exhausted and dysfunctional CD8 T cells with non-exhausted IFNghi CD8 T effector cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME). Blockade of TGFb and PD-L1 generated IFNghi CD8 T effector cells with enhanced motility, enabling both their accumulation in the TME and increased interaction with other cell types. Ensuing IFNg signaling markedly transformed myeloid, stromal, and tumor niches to yield a broadly immune-supportive ecosystem. Blocking IFNg completely abolished the effect of anti-PD-L1/ TGFb combination therapy. Our data suggest that TGFb works in concert with PD-L1 to prevent TSCL expansion and replacement of exhausted CD8 T cells with fresh CD8 T effector cells, thereby maintaining the CD8 T cell compartment in a dysfunctional state.

INSTRUMENT(S): Orbitrap Fusion Lumos

ORGANISM(S): Mus Musculus (ncbitaxon:10090)

SUBMITTER: Shannon Turley  

PROVIDER: MSV000092193 | MassIVE | Fri Jun 16 21:18:00 BST 2023


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