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A tomato LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES transcription factor, SlLOB1, predominantly regulates cell wall and softening components of ripening.

ABSTRACT: Fruit softening is a key component of the irreversible ripening program, contributing to the palatability necessary for frugivore-mediated seed dispersal. The underlying textural changes are complex and result from cell wall remodeling and changes in both cell adhesion and turgor. While a number of transcription factors (TFs) that regulate ripening have been identified, these affect most canonical ripening-related physiological processes. Here, we show that a tomato fruit ripening-specific LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDRIES (LOB) TF, SlLOB1, up-regulates a suite of cell wall-associated genes during late maturation and ripening of locule and pericarp tissues. SlLOB1 repression in transgenic fruit impedes softening, while overexpression throughout the plant under the direction of the 35s promoter confers precocious induction of cell wall gene expression and premature softening. Transcript and protein levels of the wall-loosening protein EXPANSIN1 (EXP1) are strongly suppressed in Sl LOB1 RNA interference lines, while EXP1 is induced in Sl LOB1-overexpressing transgenic leaves and fruit. In contrast to the role of ethylene and previously characterized ripening TFs, which are comprehensive facilitators of ripening phenomena including softening, Sl LOB1 participates in a regulatory subcircuit predominant to cell wall dynamics and softening.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC8379924 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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