
Dataset Information


A blood test for improving participation in bowel cancer screening

ABSTRACT: Interventions: The intervention is a screening program for CRC that includes the availability of a blood test for CRC. The intervention group are initially mailed an offer of screening for bowel cancer by FOBT. At 12 weeks from date of the FOBT-screening offer, subjects who have not participated in FOBT-screening are mailed a second invitation to screen for CRC using a blood test for CRC. Intervention group subjects contact the study Help-Line to request a referral to a pathology service for a blood to be taken for the blood test. Primary outcome(s): Completion of a screening test for bowel cancer within a bowel cancer screening program.[12 weeks from written offer of a second screening test.] Study Design: Purpose: Prevention; Allocation: Randomised controlled trial; Masking: Open (masking not used);Assignment: Parallel;Type of endpoint: Efficacy

DISEASE(S): Colorectal Cancer,Cancer-bowel-back Passage (rectum) Or Large Bowel (colon)

PROVIDER: 2460352 | ecrin-mdr-crc |


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