Methylation profiling

Dataset Information


Alternative splicing Hltf: intron retention-dependent activation of immune tolerance at the feto-maternal interface (Bisulfite-Seq)

ABSTRACT: Purpose: Genome-wide methylation analysis was performed to determine whether deleting Hltf altered DNA methylation patterns, and whether differentially methylated regions (DMRs) coincided with changes in transcriptional regulation of Hltf target genes. Methods: Individual samples [1 term placenta/sample x 3 biological replicates for null and control mice = 6 total samples] were flash frozen prior to DNA isolation and purity assessment. Genomic DNA was sent to Zymo Research (Irvine, CA) for Methyl-MiniSeq Epiquest analysis. Results: There was no measureable evidence of uteroplacental dysfunction or fetal compromise. Conclusion: Our study is the first to show Hltf-gene deletion alters the epigenetic landscape of the placenta.

ORGANISM(S): Mus musculus

PROVIDER: GSE114145 | GEO | 2018/12/14


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