
Dataset Information


Genes encoding cognate receptors for IRI-related recipient cytokines are expressed in donor livers

ABSTRACT: Purpose: RNAseq was used to look in donor allografts for genes encoding cytokine receptors specific to the cytokines identified to be upregulated in the blood of Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) receipients with ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) Methods: Liver mRNA cytokine receptor profiles of allografts taken before and after transplant, demultiplexed with Illumina CASAVA, trimmed with Cutadapt, aligned to hg38 with STAR, counted with featureCounts Results: We identified expression of genes encoding 10 cognate receptors for the 14 potential cytokines found to be upregulated in IRI+ patients. Conclusion: Many of the cytokines that are upregulated in the blood of IRI+ OLT recipients have cognate receptors present in donor livers that could allow completed signaling pathways to occur

ORGANISM(S): Homo sapiens

PROVIDER: GSE87487 | GEO | 2016/12/08



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