
Dataset Information


Analysis of phosphoproteome reveals PINK1 regulation of BAD function and cell death

ABSTRACT: We interrogated whether there existed a broader effect of PINK1-dependent phosphorylation after mitochondrial damage by utilizing primary cultured neurons from WT and Pink1 KO mice. Because persistent depolarization leads to mitochondrial damage, we treated cultured neurons with the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazine (CCCP) and blotted for PINK1. Overall, our phosphoproteome analysis of biological duplicates experiments quantified 10930 and 7207 phosphorylation sites, respectively, from the early (designated as 15-45 min) and late (designated as 2-6 hr) treatment time points.


ORGANISM(S): Mus Musculus (ncbitaxon:10090)

SUBMITTER: Lujian Liao  

PROVIDER: MSV000080893 | MassIVE | Sat Apr 08 00:27:00 BST 2017


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