
Dataset Information


SWATH data for human keratinocytes treated with erastin and reactive carbonyl species

ABSTRACT: SWATH-MS data for human keratinocytes (HaCaT cell line), sample 001-004 indicates HaCaT cells with no treatment, sample 005-008 indicates HaCaT cells induced by erastin, sample 009-012 indicates HaCaT cells induced by erastin plus MGO (methyglyoxal), and sample 013-016 indicates HaCaT cells induced by erastin plus GO (glyoxal). For more detailed information, please contact Dr.Chang Liu (

INSTRUMENT(S): AB Sciex TripleTOF 5600 mass spectrometer

ORGANISM(S): Homo Sapiens (ncbitaxon:9606)

SUBMITTER: Navindra Seeram  

PROVIDER: MSV000093197 | MassIVE | Thu Oct 26 06:21:00 BST 2023


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