
Dataset Information


Genome-wide promoter responses to CRISPR perturbations of regulators reveal regulatory networks in Escherichia coli

ABSTRACT: Elucidating genome-scale regulatory networks requires a comprehensive collection of gene expression profiles, yet measuring gene expression responses for every transcription factor (TF)-gene pair in living prokaryotic cells remains challenging. Here, we develop pooled promoter responses to TF perturbation sequencing (PPTP-seq) via CRISPR interference to address this challenge. Using PPTP-seq, we systematically measure the activity of 1372 Escherichia coli promoters under single knockdown of 183 TF genes, illustrating more than 200,000 possible TF-gene responses in one experiment. We perform PPTP-seq for E. coli growing under three different media. The PPTP-seq data reveal robust steady-state promoter activities under most single TF knockdown conditions. PPTP-seq also enables identifications of new TF auto-regulatory responses and complex transcriptional control on one-carbon metabolism. We further find context-dependent promoter regulation by multiple TFs whose relative binding strengths determined promoter activities. Additionally, PPTP-seq reveals different promoter responses under different growth media, suggesting condition-specific gene regulation. Overall, PPTP-seq provides a powerful method to examine genome-wide transcriptional regulatory networks and can be potentially expanded to reveal gene expression responses to other genetic elements.

ORGANISM(S): Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

PROVIDER: GSE213624 | GEO | 2023/09/01


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