
Dataset Information


In Vitro Brominated Peptides Spiked into U373 cell digestion

ABSTRACT: We performed nanoLC-MS/MS analysis of an in vitro generated, trypsin-digested brominated human serum albumin standard, spiked into a complex trypsin-digested proteomic background, in an LTQ-Orbitrap instrument. We found that brominated peptides spiked in at a 1-10% ratio (mass:mass) were easily identified by manual inspection when higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD) and collision induced dissociation (CID) were employed as the dissociation mode; however, confident assignment of brominated peptides from protein database searches required a novel approach. By addition of a custom modification, corresponding to the substitution of a single bromine with 81Br rather than 79Br for dibromotyrosine (79Br81BrY), the number of validated assignments for peptides containing dibromotyrosine increased significantly when analyzing both high resolution and low resolution MS/MS data.

INSTRUMENT(S): LTQ Orbitrap Elite

ORGANISM(S): Homo Sapiens (human)


PROVIDER: PXD000430 | Pride | 2013-08-28


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