
Dataset Information


Diverse cell labeling by vascular endothelial cadherin-driven lineage tracing in adult mice

ABSTRACT: Supplemental Image Repository. VE-cadherin and Nestin cell fate mapping. Adult mice (4-5 months of age were provided tamoxifen-laden chow for 1.5 months and sacrificed at the indicated times following initiation of treatment. Mice were perfused with PB and fixative, tissues harvested, cryosectioned onto slides, labeled with Hoechst dye and mounted with coverslips. Images were obtained using an EVOS M7000 fluorescence microscopy system. DAPI (Ex 357nm/Em 447nm) and RFP (Ex 531nm/Em 593nm) filter cubes were utilized to capture respective Hoechst and tdTomato channels. Images have been contrast enhanced for increased visualization. This supplemental image database containing representative conventional fluorescence microscopy images (EVOS M7000 system) from all tissues examined can be found at The European Bioinformatics Institute.

SUBMITTER: Brad Morrison 

PROVIDER: S-BSST278 | biostudies-other |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other

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