
Dataset Information


Collaborative Association Study of Psoriasis


The goal of this collaborative study is to combine the resources and expertise of three groups with long-standing studies of psoriasis genetics in order to identify new genetic susceptibility factors for psoriasis, a common inflammatory skin disease that affects over 4 million Americans.

Consent groups and participant set

  • General research use (GRU): 1677 (950 cases, 692 controls, 35 others)
  • Autoimmune disease (AD): 1198 (449 cases, 734 controls, 15 others)

PROVIDER: phs000019.v1.p1 | EGA |


altmetric image


Previous studies have narrowed the interval containing PSORS1, the psoriasis-susceptibility locus in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), to an approximately 300-kb region containing HLA-C and at least 10 other genes. In an effort to identify the PSORS1 gene, we cloned and completely sequenced this region from both chromosomes of five individuals. Two of the sequenced haplotypes were associated with psoriasis (risk), and the other eight were clearly unassociated (nonrisk). Comparison of s  ...[more]

Publication: 1/3

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