
Dataset Information


Urethral Microbiome of Adolescent Males


Urethral microbiome of adolescent males is designed to characterize the microbial communities resident in the urethra of young men, to identify differences in these communities as a function of race/ethnicity, circumcision status, sexual exposures, and uro-genital symptoms. We collect detailed sexual behavior and symptoms data using cellular telephones with Internet access. Specimens are routinely collected at monthly intervals, and intermittently following reported symptoms, specific sexual exposures, or identification of a sexually transmitted infection. We also collect periodic samples from the penile coronal sulcus to better characterize its relationship to the urethral micriobial communities.

Participants are ages 14 - 17 at enrollment, and prior history of sexual exposure is not required for participation. Parental permission is obtained for each participant. The planned duration of followup is up to 4 years allowing for prospective observation of both physical and behavioral maturation from middle adolescence into young adulthood.

The overall objectives of the project are to better characterize the healthy male urethral microbiome, and to use this information to better understand acquisition of urethritis and sexually transmitted infections, as well as chronic genital pain and prostatitis syndromes that become common among young adults.

PROVIDER: phs000259.v2.p1 | EGA |


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