
Dataset Information


Myosin PTM peptide mapping from hibernating and active bears and squirrels

ABSTRACT: Recent discoveries in the field of skeletal muscle have found that the contractile protein myosin is able to dictate the resting metabolic rate of this organ. In this study we aimed to investigate if myosin is involved in the process of metabolic shutdown which is observed during hibernation. Comparing large and small hibernating mammals, we found that in small hibernating mammals, the rate of ATP turnover dictated by myosin was altered and that this was also dependent upon the temperature of skeletal muscle. We further investigated changes to the whole proteome of these animals and observed that in small hibernators found significant changes to sarcomere organization during hibernating periods. Finally, we identified hyperphosphorylation upon the myosin molecule in these small hibernators which was predicted to induce stability changes to this molecule. In this dataset, we performed PTM peptide mapping of the myosin protein derived from skeletal muscle fibre samples from squirrels collected in summer and winter time.

INSTRUMENT(S): Orbitrap Eclipse

ORGANISM(S): Ursus Arctos (brown Bear) (grizzly Bear) Spermophilus Tridecemlineatus (thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel)

TISSUE(S): Skeletal Muscle Fiber

SUBMITTER: Michael Wierer  

LAB HEAD: Julien Ochala

PROVIDER: PXD044685 | Pride | 2024-04-29


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