
Dataset Information


Selective inhibition of OSBP blocks retrograde trafficking by inducing partial Golgi degradation

ABSTRACT: The dataset contains mass spectrometric raw data from two series of TMT-based expression proteomics aimed at identifying new sterol binding proteins by targeted degradation and proteins affected under the treatment of OSBP inhibitors and manganese. The dataset comprises the raw data for the 4 different sterol-containing chemical chimeras (C1-C4, TMT11plex, processed by Maxquant), 3 OSBP inhibitors namely oxybipin-1/2, C3_Me and manganese (TMTpro, processed by Proteome Discoverer) measured on both tested-compounds and DMSO (vehicle), each collected in 30 fractions. The experiments were performed in three independent replicates for each compound (R1-R3).

INSTRUMENT(S): Q-Exactive HF-X (Thermo Fisher)

ORGANISM(S): Homo Sapiens (ncbitaxon:9606)

SUBMITTER: Luca laraia  

PROVIDER: MSV000091726 | MassIVE | Mon Apr 17 07:01:00 BST 2023


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